In 2021 when the NCAA made Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) legal for Student-Athletes, they confirmed what many already assumed (and feared) was true: Athletes are getting paid. Pandora’s box was opened and chaos has since ensued.

No regulations, no standards, and no meaningful NIL opportunities for the vast majority of Student-Athletes.

We believe it can be done better.

Founded by Elite Student-Athletes

Founded by former standout High School and College Student-Athletes (who also happen to be highly successful entrepreneurs & tech veterans), Top Star AC understands the dedication, commitment, and sacrifice required to be successful at the highest levels.

Best In Class is our Standard

From working with Iconic Brands and having the best Team Gear, to consistent monthly pay and a vision for the future. For Top Star AC members, performing at the highest levels both in the classroom and in competition is the standard.

Data Driven, Confidence Inspiring

Purpose-built from the ground up, our Membership Application Engine shatters convention and redefines NIL Value. Working with industry veterans, we have developed a proprietary data-driven process that instills confidence from start to finish.


Consistent Monthly Pay

Yep, you read that right. Consistent. Monthly. Pay. It’s an industry first, so it’s kind of a big deal.

The Best Team Gear

The best team gear from the best brands in the business. It’ll be the stuff your friends try to steal. Trust us.

Have what it takes to be a Top Star Member?

For Student-Athletes

Get on the Waitlist!
Unparalleled Opportunity

The most elite team in the nation and the opportunity to work with the most iconic Brands in the world.

Have what it takes to be a Top Star Member?

For Student-Athletes

Apply Here


Simple, easy, Efficient

As a single point of contact and no need to evaluate thousands of potential partners. Top Star makes understanding how Student-Athlete influencers can help drive your business simple, easy, and efficient.

Standards + Processes

Never worry about that dreaded client call again. Top Star ensures our highly curated team is vetted for brand appropriateness on the front end.

Learn how to activate our Elite Team of Student-Athletes

For Brands

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Effortlessly Authentic

Gen Z has a spending power in the BILLIONS – but shifting media habits and a demand for authenticity makes them notoriously difficult to reach. Top Star’s team of Student-Athlete influencers are effortlessly authentic.

Learn how to activate our Elite Team of Student-Athletes

For Brands

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Holistic Values

Frankly, we think the current NIL model is broken.  Top Star delivers more opportunity by holistically looking at both The Student and The Athlete.

Unlocked Intangibles

Leadership at every organization wants them, but how (and what) do you measure?  Top Star unlocks the unique intangibles only earned by student-athletes and through high-level competition.

Long Term Vision

Top Star is a TEAM – not just another platform – and we are dedicated to driving long-term value for our Student-Athlete Membership long after today’s version of NIL fades.

Questions about Top Star Athletic Club?

We want to hear from you!


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